Care Quick Link Guide:
Menaji | Paula
Begoun | Courtesy
Baxters of California | Protect
Your Skin | Basic
Black | Ethnic
Skin Care | StriVectin-SD®
| Dr. David J. Goldberg
Here you will find
articles and advice on skin care for men
from some of the leading cosmetic professionals
in the industry.
Michele Probst is
a professional makeup artist and beauty
expert whose many male clients pushed her
into creating the Menaji line of skin care
and grooming products for men. "They kept
asking me what they could do on their own,"
she explains. "What could they use to cover
a blemish or scratch. Well, there weren't
any products out there made specifically
for men. That's why I started Menaji Skincare.
Michele Probst, founder
of the Menaji product line, is an internationally
known make-up artist with fifteen years
of experience in fashion photography, television,
film and video. Some of the men she has
made-up include: Tom Brokaw, Larry King,
Kid Rock, Enrique Iglesias, Martin Sheen,
and Jay Leno. She has specialized in making
her celebrity male clients look good without
looking made-up.
Menaji products have been
developed in consultation with dermatologists
and chemists to enhance the natural healing
properties of men's skin. "Healthy skin
looks best," Probst says. "So, put your
best looking face forward with Menaji Skincare's
all natural undetectable products."

Michele Probst
CEO & Founder - Menaji Skincare
Beauty Editor @ Best Magazine & Beststuff.com
800-551-5067 ext.3
Think about it. What is
the first thing people notice about you?
It is your face, take it seriously.
Healthy skin is the most
important element of a great looking face.
It is not only easy to achieve, it's critical
and you can do it for yourself. Put your
best face forward Michele on her site lays
out a 4 step plan.
Keep it clean
Men have approximately
20% oilier skin and significantly larger
pores than women. Basically, this means
you get dirtier. No matter what skin type
you have, to clean your face every day.
Deep cleansing is important. It keeps pores
clear, skin healthy, and you looking good.
Because you spend a lot
of time outside, environmental debris and
pollutants are a factor in your skin's health.
Toning helps keep your face clear and firm
Treat your skin
Depending on your skin
type (oily, dry or combination) and the
time of year, there are different products
that treat and enhance your skin. Different
treatments will have very different results.
It is important to know your skin's needs.
Protect your skin
Healthy skin is young looking
skin. There are preventative techniques
that can promote the best skin possible
and keep it looking its best longer. Remember
that your skin is a mirror of your overall
body health. Facial survival is the key.
are the key techniques: |
over exposure to the sun.
Sun damage leads to hyper
pigmentation (brown spots) which can develop
into serious skin disease. Excessive exposure
can also exaggerate and thicken fine lines.
Use and SPF 15 or higher on all exposed
skin, especially on your face.
Stay in shape.
Exercise promotes capillary
functioning which can decrease premature
aging. It also increases oxygen to the tissues
which keeps skin looking young.
Eat right.
Keep vitamins such as C
and E in your diet regimen.
Everything in moderation.
Too much of anything is
never a good idea. Stay away from excess
alcohol, smoking, fatigue and stress. Not
only can these factors lead to premature
aging, they also decrease facial circulation
making you look older. It is important to
use products that are nutritious and healthy.
See the full tips and the
Menaji products suggested at http://www.menaji.com |

We are pleased to bring
you excerpts from several articles and advice
courtesy of Paula Begoun. You can see her
site at http://www.cosmeticscop.com/about/about.asp
Paula Begoun's books, newsletters,
and online publications are the leading
source of valuable, straightforward skin-care
and beauty information for consumers, helping
them navigate around common misconceptions,
outrageous cosmetics company claims, and
exorbitant costs. Paula Begoun is the author
and publisher of several other best-selling
books and has sold more than 2.5 million
books on the subject of skin care She is
a nationally-recognized consumer expert
on the cosmetics industry and has made repeat
appearances on CNN, The Today Show, 20/20,
Dateline NBC, ABC's Primetime, Oprah, and
The View.
A regular speaker at dermatology
and cosmetic surgery conferences, Paula
is also a syndicated columnist with Knight
Ridder/Tribune News Service, and her weekly
"Dear Paula" column appears in newspapers
across the United States.
For more information about
Paula Begoun and her books, visit www.CosmeticsCop.com.
Skin Ages and Wrinkles
How the skin ages and wrinkles
is a very complicated process that involves
an almost limitless range of physiological
occurrences. There isn't any one cause that
can be addressed with a cosmetic to erase
or minimize the inevitable, because the
"aging" process itself is so complex and
intricate. Skin, all by itself, ages in
many identifiable ways. Adding one plant
extract or a vitamin to the skin won't address
what is needed to deal with the myriad issues
for slowing down the aging process. A series
of extrinsic factors (sun damage, pollution,
free-radical damage, smoking) and intrinsic
factors (genetically predetermined cell
cessation, chronological aging, hormone
depletion, immune suppression) all culminate
in what we define as aged skin.
It isn't just oxygen depletion,
free-radical damage, collagen destruction,
reduced cell turnover, abnormal cell formation,
decreased fat content, intercellular deficiency,
genetically predetermined cell shutdown,
hormone loss, and so on, that affect the
way skin ages-it is a combination of all
these things and more taking place.
For example, one notable
characteristic of older skin versus younger
skin is that younger skin has more fat cells
in the dermis than older skin. That is one
reason older skin looks more transparent
and thinner than younger skin and why someone
30 pounds or more overweight tends to have
fewer wrinkles. Furthermore, for some unknown
reason, the skin keeps growing and expanding
as we age, despite the fact that the supporting
fat tissues of the lower layers of skin
are decreasing. That is why the skin begins
to sag: Too much skin is being produced,
but there aren't enough bones (remember,
bone also deteriorates with age) and fat
to shore it up. Simultaneously, the facial
muscles lose their shape and firmness, giving
the face a drooping appearance.
Certain components of the
skin also become depleted with age. The
water-retaining and texture-enhancing elements
in the intercellular structure such as ceramides,
hyaluronic acids, polysaccharides, glycerin,
and many others are exhausted and not replenished.
The skin's support structures, collagen
and elastin, deteriorate or are damaged.
Older skin is also more subject to allergic
reactions, sensitivities, and irritation
than younger skin due to a weakening immune
On a deeper molecular level,
the DNA and RNA genetic messages to the
skin cell for reproduction slows down and
the cells stop reproducing as abundantly
or in the same way as they did when we were
younger. This preprogrammed change makes
cells become abnormally shaped, which further
changes the texture of the skin and prevents
the cells from retaining water. This is
why older skin tends to be drier than younger
skin. This change in the skin's DNA and
RNA seems to happen for a variety of reasons:
it is genetically predetermined, a result
of sun damage, and a result of an inflammatory
response from free-radical damage built
up in the skin cells over a period of time
(Source: Annals of the New York Academy
of Sciences, April 2001, pages 327-335).
Men generally don't read
my books or newsletters. One positive result
of this lack of interest in the skin-care
industry is that most men don't waste their
money on unnecessary products for their
skin. While this monetary savings is significant,
it probably means most men don't use sunscreen
on a consistent basis and leave their skin
at risk for cancer, not to mention wrinkles.
On another note, it also means that most
men don't know what ingredients in their
shaving products might be irritating and
they end up with razor burn (which is usually
product burn).
Shaving is the most typical
start to a man's day, and it is the first
area where they make mistakes. Most shaving
creams and pre-shave products contain irritating
ingredients such as alcohol, menthol, mint,
and camphor, as well as high levels of potassium
or sodium hydroxide. These skin irritants
make the hair follicle and skin swell, forcing
the hair up and away from the skin, supposedly
allowing for a closer shave. Unfortunately,
the irritation and resulting swelling cause
some of the hair to be hidden by the swollen
follicle and skin. Note that sodium hydroxide
is used at very low levels in many skin-care
products to adjust the pH value. In these
instances, it is not irritating to skin.
Additionally, the swollen
skin makes it harder for the stubble to
find its way back out. If the hair begins
to grow (which it does almost immediately)
before the swelling is reduced, the likelihood
of ingrown hairs is increased.
Shaving with a razor abrades
the skin-granted, not all that much, but
enough to cause havoc when an aftershave
lotion with irritating ingredients is splashed
over that broken skin. Think of splashing
aftershave on a cut or scrape on any other
part of your body. Now, why would you want
to do that to your face? Basic skin-care
rule number one for both men and women:
If the skin-care product you use burns,
irritates, tingles, causes the skin to become
inflamed, or hurts, don't use it.
What should men
use to take care of their skin when they
To start with, all men
need a gentle, water-soluble cleanser, a
gentle shave product (foam, cream, or gel),
followed by a gentle, nonirritating aftershave
or shaving lotion (which is actually just
a masculine name for a gentle toner). When
it comes to treating breakouts, preventing
wrinkles, and addressing dry skin, the protocol
is the same for men as it is for women (BHA,
AHA, and disinfectant for blemishes, daily
sun care with at least SPF 15 and effective
UVA protection, and a good moisturizer to
use when and where skin is dry).
What products should men
use to take care of their skin? To start
with, all men need a gentle, water-soluble
cleanser; a gentle shaving product (such
as Paula's Choice Close Comfort
Shave Gel), followed by a gentle, non-irritating
aftershave or shaving lotion (which for
all intents and purposes are just masculine
names for a gentle toner) or an alcohol-free
topical anti-inflammatory product.
However, for men dealing
with blemishes, milia, or blackheads, a
well-formulated BHA product can be used
over non-shaved areas, or over the entire
face in the evening (assuming the man shaves
in the morning). Men who shave do have an
advantage, because shaving removes the top
layer of dead skin cells, improving cell
turnover. Yet it doesn't mean that men have
to avoid the advantages of using a retinoid-like
Retin-A or Renova-or that they should omit
using a reliable sunscreen.
Courtesy Paula
Within the Paula's
Choice line, you can obtain cosmetics
for men and valuable the skin-care routines
recommended for men. You can find them at
The following
grooming guide
Baxters of California |
Grooming Guide
/ A.M - P.M regimen.
A.M regimen
Shower in warm (not hot)
water with Invigorating Body Wash or citrus-scented
glycerin Cleansing Bars. Lather a small
amount of Face Wash in your palms and smooth
it over your face and neck. Rinse thoroughly.
Hot water and harsh soaps
dry out your skin. Dehydrated skin produces
excess oil and blemishes.
A daily treatment of Protein
Shampoo and Moisturizing Conditioner protects
against scalp build-up caused by styling
products, environmental pollutants, and
toxins such a DHT.
The Perfect Shave
Before shaving, soak a
clean washcloth in very warm water; apply
the cloth to the beard for approx. 30 seconds.
Steam helps to open the pores and soften
the beard, making it easier to shave. For
best results, use a badger hair shave brush
to evenly disperse the shave cream. Leave
Super Close Shave Formula on your beard
for 30 seconds before shaving. Follow with
a splash of cold water to close the pores
of the skin, finish your ritual with an
application of soothing After Shave Balm
to seal the deal.
The general rule of thumb
when shaving is to do so in the direction
of the hair growth. While this may not offer
the closest shave possible, it does provide
the least amount of skin irritation, including
razor burn and ingrown hairs.
"Razor Bumps" - For fast
relief and prevention from outbreaks. -
dab a pea-sized amount of Razor Bump Repair
on the affected area.
Exposure to the sun's damaging
UV rays is one of the leading causes of
premature skin aging and also puts you at
greater risk of developing skin cancer.
Start your day off right by applying Super
Shape SPF15 facial moisturizer (UVA / UVB
P.M regimen
Before bed, cleanse face
with warm water and Baxter Face Wash. Apply
Herbal Mint Toner and follow with Enriched
Night Cream AHA; to minimize fine lines
and restore skin elasticity.
Eyes are the first areas
of a man's face to show signs of aging.
Under eye skin is extremely delicate. As
you age, it gets thinner and more susceptible
to wrinkles. Using your fingertip, apply
small dabs of Under Eye complex to the soft
tissue that surrounds the eye. Do not rub.
One to three times per
week after cleansing, gently work a small
amount of exfoliating Skin Toner Facial
Scrub onto your face, using small circular
motions. Scrubs contain granules that gently
buff away impurities and dead surface cells,
stimulating skin renewal and revitalizing
the complexion. Scrubs also serve as a great
pre-shave treatment that lifts facial hair
resulting in fewer ingrown hairs.
Men's oily skin responds
best to a mask that's fortified with natural
clay, which tightens, tones, and clarifies
as it dissolves dead cells. Two to four
times per month, steam your face over a
bowl of hot water and then Apply a thin
layer of clay mask on the face, let it dry
(approximately 10 minutes), rinse off with
warm water.
Facial scrubs and clay
masks keep the pores of your skin clear
of the material that forms blemishes and
Never use facial scrub
if you have moderate to severe acne. This
process may aggravate the condition.
Skin care from the modelling
We found this article on
skin care very interesting.
Have you ever seen a couple
together and thought, "He must be taking
his mom out to lunch"-only to find that
the couple is married? It's a fact: men's
and women's skin age differently.
Testosterone causes men
to have thicker skin, which means that it
tends to sag and wrinkle less and is a more
effective barrier against environmental
irritants and bacteria. Not only do women
have thinner skin, but their oil glands
produce slightly less oil than men's, which
means they have less "natural" moisturizer.
Men usually shave their faces, which exfoliates
the dead cells and lessens the appearance
of wrinkles. On the down side, for many
men shaving is an abrasive experience and
can account for the roughening of the skin
along the jaw line and cheeks.
Regardless of the inherent
advantages that men have when it comes to
their skin, a daily skin
care regime can work wonders to maintain
a vigorous, youthful appearance (that testosterone
doesn't last forever, guys). Skin care for
men is remarkably similar to that for women.
You will want to clean
your skin every day, apply toner and
moisturize your skin. And always use sun
block, at least SPF 15.
Sun is damaging to the
appearance and health of your skin, and
even those of you who spend a total of five
minutes in the sun per day-getting in and
out of your car, for instance-will want
to heed the following tips. Always use an
SPF 15 sunscreen and apply it everywhere
the sun's rays might touch you: ears, the
back of your neck, and bald areas of your
scalp. If you're sweating or swimming, apply
it at least once an hour. Wear tightly-woven
clothing to prevent the sun from penetrating
the fabric and getting to your skin.
If that week-long beach
volleyball tournament has left you with
sun-reddened, throbbing, blistered skin,
there are a few things you can do to lessen
your discomfort. Apply aloe vera to burned
areas to moisturize and promote healing;
chamomile steeped in water can help to relieve
the sting; calamine lotion will lessen the
itching; cool compresses, baths, and showers
will sooth your skin, and adding vinegar
or cooked oatmeal to your bath water will
reduce the sting. Starchy, liquefied raw
potatoes applied directly to the sunburned
areas will also lessen the pain, but make
sure that you wait until the mixture dries
completely before you rinse it off to reap
the full benefits.
Acne is a problem for many
men. Thick skin and active oil glands can
cause everything from the occasional blemish
to full-blown acne. Men's acne treatment
is similar to women's, but the products
tend to be a little more concentrated. Our
Baking Soda Scrub recipe (below) is non-irritating
and will sooth and gently exfoliate your
skin. For other tips and recipes to treat
acne, go to Acne Prone Skin Care.
Baking Soda Scrub
Wet your face with warm
water. Apply 1 tbsp. baking soda to dampened
skin, massaging gently but thoroughly all
over the face (including behind the ears).
Rinse carefully removing all the baking
soda, and repeat the process. Dry your face,
apply toner and sun block.
Information found at Jurgita
Modeling Magazine www.jurgita.com |
Menessentials are
pleased to have adressed this issue with
African male..see these new ethnic skin
care products on their site.
"skin care for men of color"
By James
MenEssentials President
Published June 2002
Two months ago, we sponsored a promotion for three skin care sports kits. Contestants answered a few questions about our site - specifically, what they would do to improve it - and we automatically entered their names in the draw.
Of the several thousand entries we received, only a handful truly stood out from the others. One contestant asked for more nude photos of Sandra Bullock - a laudable suggestion, many guys would agree, but impractical for just about every reason you can imagine. Another recommended that we offer our products for free. (I'm a generous guy, but that's pushing it.) A third fellow complained that we didn't carry any lines for men of color.
This last one stuck with me, because I hadn't really thought of our collection as exclusive to one race over another. Looking at our site with fresh eyes, it became apparent that we didn't actually promote the concept of inclusion. And in many instances that's as good as ignoring an important market segment, altogether.
It's true that our collection is ideally suited for men of
all ethnic origins. But guys with darker
complexions have very specific skin care
needs. It's time we discussed those in detail.
See their products at www.menessentials.com.
Sun Care
For obvious reasons, skin cancer rates are 20 times higher among Caucasians than among people with dark skin. However, as a man of color, that doesn't automatically mean you're exempt from sun damage.
On the contrary, without protection your skin will fry too. If you plan to spend any amount of time under the sun, slap on some SPF 15 sunscreen. Tightly woven fabrics are also a good defense against burning. Make sure your clothing is of appropriate density to resist those rays.
Ingrown Hair
Because of the coil-like structure of their hair, black men are particularly susceptible to excruciating ingrowns and razor bumps. This problem was widespread enough 20 years ago that the US military revised its personal hygiene codes, for the first time permitting African American soldiers to grow full beards rather than to shave.
Ingrown hairs in black men can often cause extreme pain, severe infection, and even scarring. They're also fairly tenacious little buggers, and harder to extract than ingrowns in men with straight hair and fairer complexions.
To successfully dislodge ingrown hairs, use a glycolic facial cleanser or polishing scrub before you shave. Also, you might have to get out the tweezers and extract them by hand. A good exfoliation with the cleanser or scrub should make that goal infinitely easier to achieve.
Dark Circles
Lots of guys have "dark circles" (crescents, actually) under their eyes. For Caucasians, dark circles are caused either by lack of sleep, allergies, or veins showing through the delicate skin that surrounds the orbital bone.
For many dark-skinned males, the root cause is superficial pigmentation. Treatments for this condition include laser resurfacing and blepharoplasty - under-eye surgery that removes fatty tissue and excess skin. (If you've read any of my other articles, then you already know what I think of cosmetic surgery.) Neither procedure removes pigmentation, but the smoother under-eye skin will make dark circles less noticeable.
There are also a variety of lightening creams to treat superficial pigmentation. Consult with a dermatologist before you invest in this option.
Less intrusive - and less expensive - treatments include men's foundation powder to even skin tone.
Look also for eye creams that contain shea butter - a substance made from the nut of the Mangifolia tree in Central Africa. Recently introduced as a cosmetic ingredient, shea butter is known to reduce skin discolorations, restore skin tone, and diminish fine lines.
Dry Skin
This is the bane of many people's existences, regardless of race. But dry skin can make black men appear ashen.
If you have dry skin and don't suffer from acne, try a top-quality moisturizer for your face and body. If you have dry skin that's complicated with acne, talk to a dermatologist.
Sometimes confused with skin cancer, keloids are actually masses of scar tissue that can appear after a cut, sore, infection, or acne blemish heals. Black men get keloids with relative ease, because their skins contain significant amounts of dark pigmentation called melanin.
Unfortunately, there are no creams to lighten keloids or concealer cosmetics to hide them. Standard treatment for existing scars involves cortisone or interferon injections, cryosurgery, or laser resurfacing. But don't get your hopes up: surgery always involves a healing process, and this is precisely what causes keloids, in the first place.
For fresh cuts and abrasions, Brave Soldier Antiseptic Healing Ointment can significantly reduce the formation of keloids. But you must treat the wound when it occurs and not after a scab forms.
If you suspect keloids, see a dermatologist immediately. (In fact, you should see a doctor about any unusual skin discoloration). Early prevention is still the best treatment.
The term "metrosexual"
refers to a man who is not afraid to take
care of his grooming needs. Metrosexuals
are a growing percentage of the population.
What we have found is that men are looking
for quality products developed specifically
for their needs. They want products that
actually do what they say they are going
to do. Ethnic men, in particular, want to
know that the manufacturer of the product
cares about their needs and understands
their needs.
Beyond just the product
itself, men want products that are packaged
specifically for them. Men do not want a
feminine looking bottle or jar sitting in
their bathrooms. Metrosexual men want to
take care of themselves. But, they do not
want to feel feminine while they are doing
it. Most men will not buy a product that
is marketed to women or packaged for women
no matter how effective it might be.
With our Ajuvén line of
products we are meeting the needs of the
ethnic metrosexual. This client does not
want a mass produced product. He's looking
for the best possible quality product and
is willing to do the research to find it.
By delivering our products via the Internet,
we bring hand-crafted quality products to
a broad market across the United States
and around the world. Without this delivery
mechanism, these types of products would
not be available to the majority of men.
They would only be available in specialty
stores in major metropolitan areas. Men
in places like Iowa and North Dakota would
be just plain out of luck. Even in the specialty
stores, product selection is usually limited
to a few high priced items that happen to
have the money to spend on fancy packaging
and/or advertising.
There are three things
we try to deliver to our clients. We view
these as three components of a value equation.
Some clients will buy based on one or two
criteria. But, the truly discriminating
man buys based on all three.
1.) Great service-
we strive to provide quick, accurate order
fulfillment. We answer questions for our
client and we provide a wealth of information
concerning our products and the industry.
Particularly in the ethnic market, many
of the people working in drug stores and
grocery stores know little to nothing about
the products on their shelves.
2.) Great products-
we deliver only high quality products that
are effective in doing what we advertise
them to do. We will not sell cheap, watered
down or ineffective products just to turn
a dollar. The products on most grocery store
shelves are not very effective.
3.) Value pricing-
while we do not provide the lowest cost
products available, we strive to provide
a great ratio of quality to price. Quality
costs more and the client who is willing
to pay for quality is the client that will
choose us. However, we do not expect clients
to pay more just for a label or a fancy
The ethnic skin care market
is growing. Ethnic people are no longer
accepting that they have to mass-produced
products that do not fit their needs. As
people become more accustomed to choices
in other areas of their lives, they are
demanding those same choices in their personal
care products. Via the Internet, niche producers,
like Treasured Locks, are connected to those
people who want the best for their particular
needs.Treasured Locks, LLC is the parent
company. We have three product lines of
our own- Treasured Locks, HumiNature and
Ajuvén. Treasured Locks was originally created
to meet the hair care needs of African Americans.
We quickly branched into skin care with
our HumiNature line of products and then
into men's skin and hair care with our Ajuvén
line of products.
See all Treasured Locks
products at http://www.treasuredlocks.com/index.html
Email us at info@menslooks.com
if you would like to see any areas of skin
care researched for you.
Signs Isaac Mizrahi as Spokesperson |
Luck or Marketing Genius?
StriVectin-SD® Signs Isaac Mizrahi
as Spokesperson
“The stretch mark cream turned anti-wrinkle
to feature fashion icon in new international
advertising campaign
of the major cosmetic giants turn to aging
Hollywood starlets to hawk their wrinkle
creams, Klein-Becker has a fresh perspective…
tapping a most unlikely spokesperson for
its StriVectin-SD… the “Better
than Botox®*? Stretch mark cream tuned
anti-wrinkle phenomenon”… fashion
icon and television personality, Isaac Mizrahi.
“Frankly, we didn’t turn to
Isaac to sell StriVectin to women,”
says Gina Gay of Klein-Becker. “Virtually
every woman who knows anything about wrinkles
already knows about StriVectin. It’s
the #1 selling prestige skin cream in the
entire world (including France, of all places).
Instead, our goal was to reach men, the
fastest growing segment of cosmeceutical
buyers. Why did we choose Isaac? Well, like
most everything we do, it was dumb luck.
Our market research team stumbled on this
unlikely fact… men trust Isaac just
as much as women do; men actually like Isaac;
and, men find Isaac engaging. That makes
Isaac the perfect person to introduce StriVectin
to men.”
The unexpected choice of Isaac Mizrahi as
StriVectin spokesperson is just one of a
series of “unexpecteds” that
have turned StriVectin into cosmeceutical
legend. For those of you who haven’t
heard the remarkable StriVectin story, here
it is…
The StriVectin Story
In a remarkable turn of events arguably
one of the strangest in the history of cosmetics
women across the country are putting a stretch-mark
cream called StriVectin-SD on their face
to reduce the appearance of fine lines,
wrinkles and crows’ feet. And, if
consumer sales are any indication of a product's
effectiveness, StriVectin-SD is nothing
short of a miracle. Women, as well as a
growing number of “Boomer” men,
are buying so much StriVectin-SD that finding
a tube at your local cosmetic counter has
become just about impossible. Did everyone
go mad? Well...not really.
Although StriVectin-SD's® functional
components were already backed by clinical
trials documenting their ability to visibly
reduce the appearance of existing stretch
marks (prominent because of their depth,
length, discoloration and texture)... the
success of StriVectin-SD as an anti-wrinkle
cream was “dumb luck,” said
Ms. Gay.
“When we first handed out samples
of the StriVectin™ formula to employees
and customers as part of our market research,
the sample tubes were simply marked ‘topical
cream’ with the lot number underneath,”
Ms. Gay explained. “As the samples
were passed to friends and family, the message
became a little muddled and some people
used this ‘topical cream’ as
a facial moisturizer. As we began to receive
feedback from users, like ‘I look
10 years younger’ and ‘I can't
even notice my crows’ feet’
we knew we had something more than America's
most effective stretch-mark cream. The point
was driven home as store owners began reporting
that almost as many people were purchasing
StriVectin as an anti-wrinkle cream as were
buying it to reduce stretch marks.”
Dr. Daniel B. Mowrey, PhD, Klein-Becker's
Director of Scientific Affairs, says, “Clearly,
people were seeing results, but we didn't
have a scientific explanation as to why
this wrinkle-reduction was occurring. "Based
on the incredibly positive reports from
users and the Paris reports," Mowrey
continues, "I started using StriVectin
myself ... as an aftershave in the morning
and before I go to bed at night. And let
me tell you -- no one has ever accused me
of being handsome, but now I'm happy to
say that I look young and ugly rather than
old and ugly. For me, that's a big improvement."
Dumb Luck Strikes
Then, at a meeting of the 20th World Congress
of Dermatology in Paris, France, a series
of studies detailing the superior wrinkle-reducing
properties of a patented oligo-peptide “called
Pal-KTTKS” versus retinol, vitamin
C, and placebo, on “photo-aged skin”
was presented. “As luck would have
it,” Dr. Mowrey states, “the
anti-wrinkle oligo-peptide tested in the
breakthrough clinical trials turned out
to be a key ingredient in the StriVectin
In the trials, subjects applied the patented
peptide solution to the crows' feet area
on one side of the face, and a cream containing
either retinol, vitamin C, or a placebo
to the other side.
Subjects in the Pal-KTTKS/retinol study
applied the cream once a day for 2 months
and then twice a day for the next 2 months.
Using special image analysis, the study's
authors reported “significant improvement”
in both the overall appearance of skin tone
and wrinkles for those women using the peptide
Better yet, at the 2-month halfway point,
the peptide solution worked nearly 1.5 times
faster than retinol “in measured parameters,”
and without the inflammation retinol often
causes in sensitive skin. As was expected,
the results of the remaining studies confirmed
that the Pal-KTTKS solution's effectiveness
at reducing the appearance of fine lines
and wrinkles far exceeded both vitamin C
and placebo.
A smoother, younger complexion, with less
irritation and faster results—all
without expensive (and painful) peels, implants
or injections.
Better than Retinol
and Vitamin C, But Is StriVectin-SD Better
than Botox®*?
Dr. Nathalie Chevreau, PhD, RD, Director
of Women's Health at Salt Lake City based
Basic Research®, exclusive distributor
for Klein-Becker, explains, “Leading
dermatologists agree that Botox is the preferred
treatment for moderate to severe frown lines
between the brow. But ever since it was
discovered that StriVectin could reduce
the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles,
and crows' feet... the kind of fine lines,
wrinkles and crows feet that can add 10-15
years to your appearance and which costly
medical treatments often leave behind...
skin-care professionals have been recommending,
and using, StriVectin.”
In fact, researchers believe non-invasive
alternatives are better, because, Dr. Chevreau
continues, “Topical creams and gels
offer gradual, continual results, while
the effects of injections, facial peels,
and dermabrasions are rougher on the skin
and wear off.” In other words, StriVectin-SD™
helps give you a youthful, healthy, glowing
complexion faster than retinol, far superior
to vitamin C, and without irritation, needles,
or surgery. Even better, many dermatologists
and plastic surgeons recommend StriVectin
in conjunction with cosmetic procedures,
including Botox.
So, if you see someone applying an anti-stretch
mark cream to their face, don't think they've
gone off the deep end... they may be smarter
than you think.
And Now… Isaac
If StriVectin’s streak of “dumb
luck” continues, Isaac Mizrahi will
be responsible for millions of men around
the globe using “the stretch mark
cream turned anti-wrinkle phenomenon…
turned ‘anti-aging’ aftershave”
on their face every morning.
About Isaac
Isaac Mizrahi is best known for his mass-market
line of clothing and accessories for Target®
as well as his daily talk show, “Isaac,”
on the Style Network. The three-time Council
of Fashion Designers of America award-winner
also designs a couture collection which
is exclusively sold at Bergdorf Goodman.®.
He was the subject of the highly-acclaimed
documentary “Unzipped.” In addition
to his CDFA awards, Mizrahi’s costume
designs have earned him a Drama Desk Award
and an Emmy Nomination.
This fall finds Isaac facing exciting new
projects with the launch of his new lifestyle
magazine and companion website, Isaac’s
Style Book, and the debut of his men’s
ready-to-wear collection.
(*Botox® is a registered trademark of
Allergan, Inc.)
All trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.
Fact Sheet FDA monograph and Australian
are sunscreens?
Sunscreens are products that protect
the skin from damage caused by ultraviolet
radiation (UVR). They do this by
using: organic chemicals that absorb
light and dissipate it as heat;
inorganic filters (blockers) that
sit on the surface of the skin and
act as physical barriers; or a combination
of both.
There are three types of UVR:
1. UVB - primarily responsible for
sunburn and suntan. Long-term exposure
leads to premature aging of the
skin and skin cancer. 2. UVA - primarily
responsible for premature aging
and skin cancers like melanoma and
basal cell carcinoma 3. UVC - is
absorbed by the earth's atmosphere
protection do sunscreens provide?
SPF 30 sunscreens filter 97% of
UVB rays. In Australia, "broad-spectrum"
sunscreens must protect against
90% or more of UVA rays. In the
United States, there is no approved
evaluation of UVA protection, therefore
"broad-spectrum" labeling is open
to interpretation. Consumers should
be educated on the ingredients that
provide UVA protection. Products
that contain 6% or more Zinc Oxide
provide very good UVA protection.
points about sunscreens
- No sunscreen is
"waterproof/sweatproof." Sunscreen
should always be applied to dry
skin. All sunscreens start to
come off during activity; it is
important that sunscreen be reapplied
after towel drying. Products labeled
as "waterproof" in the United
States have completed an 80-minute
still-water bath test. Products
labeled as "very water resistant"
in Australia retain their SPF
after 240 minutes in moving water.
Australia does not allow the use
of "waterproof" or "sweatproof,"
and the FDA has asked for voluntary
- No sunscreen provides
"all-day protection." As stated,
chemical absorbers work by absorbing
light, but they can be photo unstable.
For example, Avobenzone loses
36% of its effectiveness within
the first 15 minutes of sun exposure.
Inorganic filters (Zinc Oxide
and Titanium Dioxide) adhere to
the skin but can be removed during
towel drying. Australia does not
allow the use of "all-day protection."
Moreover, the FDA has asked for
voluntary removal of this label
- High SPF sunscreens
don't necessarily offer broader
or better protection. SPF only
indicates the amount of UVB protection
a product provides and does not
indicate how much if any UVA protection
is provided. The consumer needs
to understand that the specific
formulation of the sunscreen determines
the amount of protection provided.
Zinc Oxide products (6% or higher)
provide very photostable UVB and
UVA protection. High SPF products
(i.e. SPF 45, 55, 60) typically
contain high levels of organic
chemicals that can increase the
potential for irritation and absorption,
especially in children. Higher
is not always better, which is
why Australia limits SPF label
claims to 30+.
- No sunscreen offers
complete protection against the
sun. Therefore products using
the term "Sunblock" are a misnomer
as they allow some UV to penetrate
the skin. A product that contains
Zinc Oxide does provide blocking
(reflective) capabilities but
even Zinc Oxide, unless applied
as a paste, allows a little UV
light to penetrate the skin.
Courtesy of Crown
Laboratories, Inc.

David J. Goldberg, M.D. is a Board-Certified Dermatologist who has been in practice since 1985. Dr. Goldberg is known both nationally and internationally for his work with skin lasers and facial rejuvenation techniques. He has treated patients and taught doctors in the use of this exciting technology throughout the world. Dr. Goldberg earned his medical degree from Yale University. He completed his dermatology residency and dermatologic surgical fellowship at New York University Medical Center. Dr. Goldberg has published over 125 academic papers and has contributed to over 10 academic textbooks. He has authored textbooks on laser dermatology, laser hair removal, laser facial rejuvenation, photodamaged skin and skin wrinkle fillers. He has also co-authored 2 books for the public entitled "Light Years Younger" and “Secrets of Great Skin”.
The Skin Laser & Surgery Specialists of New York & New Jersey, directed by Dr. Goldberg, have been the site of exciting pioneering FDA research on laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation, new botulinum toxins and wrinkle fillers. Dr. Goldberg has been instrumental in bringing this technology to the public. He is a Clinical Professor, and Director of Laser Research and Mohs Surgery, in the Department of Dermatology at NYC's Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He has also served as a co-Vice-President of the Skin Cancer Foundation.
Dr. Goldberg has been very active in professional societies. He has served as President of the American Society for Lasers in Medicine & Surgery. He has also served as Chairperson of the Ethics Committees of the American Academy of Dermatology, American Society for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery and the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. He has served on the Board of Directors of the American Society for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery, the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the International Society for Dermatologic Surgery. He has recently been elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Dermatology.
Dr. Goldberg was the very first recipient of the prestigious Leon Goldman award. This award is named after the founding father of laser surgery. Additionally, Dr. Goldberg has been named "One of the Top Ten Laser Surgeons in the U.S.," by Self Magazine, "One of the Best Doctors in America," by Woodward/White, Inc., "Best Doctor in America" by Best Doctors Inc. and "One of the Best Dermatologists in New Jersey," by New Jersey Monthly.
Dr. Goldberg has had the honor of holding several offices and committee assignments in the top organizations in his field including the American Society for Lasers in Medicine & Surgery, American Academy of Dermatology, and the American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery, and both the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the International Society for Dermatologic Surgery.
Questions and Answers :
Q: We read more men are getting laser hair removal. Have you found this to be the case and is there any particular age group that stands out? Which part of the body are they mostly asking for?
A: There has been a definite increase in laser hair removal among men every year over the last five years. These men are generally divided into two groups. One group are men about 20 years-old who are uncomfortable with having too much hair in specific areas and feel it has a negative impact on their social life. The second group is men in their 40’s and 50’s who are no longer so concerned about social impact, but have always been bothered by the hair and now feel economically stable enough to do something about it. In this case, the resolution is laser hair removal. Most commonly, men get their back, shoulders, neck and upper arms treated with laser hair removal, but there is a second group who get their chest and abdomen treated. And yes --- there is also the rare case of the man who receives the equivalent of the Brazilian bikini treatment.
Q: Are there any types of hair or skin that make it more difficult to have laser hair removal? How many treatments/visits does it take for the average male to have their back done for instance?
A: Once the hair turns white, it is much more difficult to treat. For most men, the goal is not necessarily no hair, but a thinning of the hair. The starting point is five treatments; however most men do more than five to achieve the optimal result.
Q: Are there risks of scaring with such treatments, and how long after the procedure to be fully healed and go out in public?
A: There is always the risk of scarring with any high-powered laser technology. Buyer beware! Be sure to see a well-trained laser physician for the best and safest results.
Q:. What exactly occurs to stop hair growth by laser hair treatment, and is this more cost effective / longer term result compared to waxes, shaving and cremes?
A: The laser light damages the growth centers of hair, which leads to either hair thinning or destruction of the treated hair. Although laser treatments can appear to be expensive, fewer treatments are required when compared to electrolysis for permanent results. In fact, the only study ever conducted comparing electrolysis and laser hair removal showed laser hair removal to do a better job in infinitely fewer treatments. Any other method (outside of laser treatment and electrolysis) will only lead to temporary hair removal. 
The men's skin care and other advice on
this web site are also intended for education
and entertainment only. It does not replace
the advice of a physician/specialist. Seek
the advice of a physician/specialist if
your skin condition warrants medical attention.
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content and information found on other sites
it may suggest or link to. The findings
and opinion of authors expressed herein
are those of the author and do not state
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